Bidding on the Marketplace

Bidding is easy! Click on "Bid" below the auction you are interested in.

The displayed price will either be the Starting bid (in the absence of previous bids), or the best offer.
You can bid in the currency set by the seller.

After clicking on "Bid", you will be asked accept the conditions of use by checking the corresponding box and you will have the possibility to enter a bid, higher than the starting bid or best offer (a currency converter is available for your convenience at the bottom of the page).

Click on "Bid" to confirm your offer, that will be displayed -anonymously- on the Ad!

If your offer is outbid, you will be sent an email so taht you can bid again and improve your chances of winning the lot.

You will not be allowed to bid in the following cases:

  • you are trying to bid on your Ad, which is not authorised.
  • biddings are not open yet – the start date appears at the botttom left side of the Ad.
  • you have been excluded from the Marketplace for having infginged our conditions of use (you can contact us).

How to bid