biography of Francis Focer BROWN (1891-1971)

Birth place: Glassboro, NJ

Addresses: Muncie, IN

Profession: Educator, painter

Studied: With J.O. Adams, W. Forsyth, John Herron AI; Ball State Teachers College, B.S.; Ohio State Univ., M.A.

Exhibited: Richmond AA, 1922 (prize); John Herron AI, 1922 (prize); Hoosier Salon, 1922-45 (awards); CMA, 1922-25; PAFA, 1922, 1923.

Member: Indiana AC; Hoosier Salon

Work: John Herron AI; Ball State Teachers College; Richmond AA, and in various schools and libraries in Indiana.

Comments: Positions: prof., Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, IN, 1925-1957; prof. emeritus, 1957-.

Sources: WW59; WW47.
